Jerusalem is not only the capital of Israel (according to local law), but also the most important center of the Holy Land. This is a place of worship for Christians, followers of Judaism, Islam and several smaller religions.

A trip to Mount Moses is called the Sinai Mountain (2285 m above sea level) interchangeably. It is an amazing trip to a place traditionally identified with the biblical mountain Horeb,

Ras Mohammed is a national park in Egypt, at the southern end of the Sinai Peninsula, on the sides of the Bay of Suez in the west and Gulf of Aqaba to the east.

Cairo - is one of the most surprising capitals in the world. In this city there are many amazing buildings such as beautiful mosques and churches. One of the biggest attractions is the longest river in the world - the Nile.

Petra is a historical and archaeological city in the southern region of Maan in Jordan It is famous for its architecture and water rock system.

Saint Catherine's Monastery commonly known as: Santa Katarina. The official name is the Holy Monastery for God. It lies on the Sinai Peninsula, at the mouth of the ravine at the foot of Sinai, in the city of Saint Catherine in Egypt - South Sinai.